A couple of weeks ago, June 25th I believe, Tom and I finally made it to Ravinia! We bought tickets as soon as they were released for the James Taylor concert and looked forward to it for months.
My company also ended up having a "day off" celebration due to almost hitting our stretch goal and picked...June 25th. As excited as I was for a party at Arlington Park, it's not exactly close to Ravinia (neither are in the city). To compound things, we were leaving bright and early the next day for a long weekend trip to Napa with friends (that post is still coming). We would be getting back from that on Monday and the then of course it's the Fourth of July at the farm followed by my consulting conference in Vegas the next week. Phew!!!
While these are of course awesome "problems" to have...(love my friends and family, love my job, love traveling...so no complaints right?) I was really stressed trying to wrap up client work. With time off comes compressed work schedule...gotta love how that works.
In any event, we definitely wanted to make the concert work (Toms favorite song is fire and rain & there was no way we were missing it). Of course the payoff was so worth it and we are glad we made it work. Despite less than stellar weather (seriously Chicago? Coats in June?! Although I did think the people wearing snow hats and gloves were being a bit dramatic...) we had a great time. Even after all these years, his voice is sooo smooth!
The take-away for next time? Step up our picnic game...people take it verrry seriously there!